Scientist probes addiction at cellular level
Yao-Ying Ma hopes that a more precise understanding of how certain drugs change the brain will help to cure addiction. Read more
Brainprint: the new biometric
New technology developed by Binghamton researchers Sarah Laszlo and Zhanpeng Jin delivers stunning results: the ability to identify human beings through brain scans. Watch video
Undergrad explores link between brain, taste
Binghamton undergrad Sarah E. Park did a stint in a neuroscience laboratory as one of 13 SUNY Brain Summer Scholars. Read more
New book aims to reach kids
A new book about the brain, co-authored by Binghamton researcher Terrence Deak, uses science and storytelling to empower children and enlighten adults. Read more
Science and the adolescent brain
Learning about the changes occurring in adolescent brains might tell parents something about how to empower adolescents for better decision-making, Binghamton neuroscientist Terry Deak writes in The Huffington Post. Read more
Brain study aims to improve dyslexia treatment
A new Binghamton University study may untangle some of the mysteries surrounding dyslexia and lead to new methods of treating America’s most common learning disorder. Read more