A look inside an advanced lab
• Dec 21, 2009 •
The Analytical and Diagnostics Laboratory, a component of the Small Scale Systems Integration and Packaging Center, enables the commercialization of microelectronic technologies.
Laboratory manager Lawrence Lehman, right, leads a tour for area business leaders.
Lab instrumentation includes light microscopy, laser microscopy, transmission and scanning electron microscopy, focused ion beam, atomic force microscopy, mesoscale machining, thermal machining, electronics instrumentation and a microfabrication facility.
The lab is staffed by PhD-level scientists, and its equipment is available to University and industry researchers.
Anju Sharma, senior scientist, talks with a student in the laboratory.
The ADL, a centralized, interdisciplinary research facility, enables the commercialization of microelectronic technologies and supports life sciences research applications.
Lab instrumentation includes X-ray diffraction and small angle X-ray.
Lab instrumentation includes light microscopy, laser microscopy, transmission and scanning electron microscopy, focused ion beam, atomic force microscopy, mesoscale machining, thermal machining, electronics instrumentation and a microfabrication facility.
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