Scholars and scientists from throughout the state will be heading to Binghamton’s 887-acre campus this spring for a major research symposium. The event, scheduled over two days-March 6 and 7, 2003-is aimed at facilitating research opportunities for Binghamton faculty and at spurring a broad-based, statewide increase in sponsored research and scholarship.
“This important symposium will offer us the occasion to identify new opportunities, network with other institutions and our federal agency representatives, and explore new directions for the future growth of our own research programs and research programs throughout the state,” said Vice President for Research Frances E. Carr. “It is our way of helping to set a course in New York higher education that provides for the sharing of ideas, the genesis of new knowledge and the coalition of new partnerships.”
Titled “Destination Discovery: Unleashing Your Research Potential,” the symposium is sponsored by the Division of Research and has been recommended by the State of New York United University Professions Joint Labor-Management Committees for a $10,000 campus grant.
The symposium is expected to bring up to 200 people, including noted experts in a number of fields as well as representatives from many of the nation’s premiere research funding agencies to campus to discuss funding trends and opportunities and explore ways to enhance the success of individual and collaborative research projects.
Representatives from the National Science Foundation, the National Institutes of Health, the U.S. Department of Energy, and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration will participate in an opening day plenary session on funding trends. Most will also participate in breakout sessions throughout the afternoon of March 6 and morning of March 7, and all participating agencies will offer one-on-one consultations at various times throughout the event. Also invited are the Department of Defense/DARPA, the U.S. Department of Education, the National Endowment for the Humanities and the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Registered Binghamton faculty will attend the symposium for a reduced registration fee of $20, including several meals throughout the event and a reception on the evening of the first day. A $25 registration fee will be charged to all others.
State University of New York Chancellor Robert L. King, who just over two years ago established a system-wide goal to double sponsored research by 2005 and raise $1 billion through philanthropy, will deliver the keynote address during the first-day luncheon in the Mandela Room. King specifically called upon the Research Foundation to work with campuses to attract new financial resources. Matthew Behrmann, Senior Vice President for External Affairs, and Michael Luck, Vice President for Philanthropy and Alumni Affairs, will participate in panel discussions about building relationships with sponsors and private foundations, respectively.
Participants will be able to choose from a series of concurrent breakout sessions to be held at various locations in the University Union East and the Public Service Programs Center on the afternoon of March 6 and the morning of March 7. Topics scheduled to be covered include:
- Building relationships with private foundations
- An insider’s look at the peer review process
- Shaking the hand that feeds you: Building relationships with sponsors
- Federal technology programs: Opportunities for collaboration with industrial partners
- Research and funding opportunities for the social sciences
- Rethinking and reframing the humanities · Sponsored projects and community partnerships
- Getting down to business: Realities of start-ups and spin-offs
- Developing a global perspective: International partnerships and collaborations.
- Getting down to business: Realities of start-ups and spin-offs
- Developing a global perspective: International partnerships and collaborations.
A poster session featuring opportunities for cross-disciplinary and cross-institutional partnership and collaborate will be held in the Mandela Room in conjunction with the first-day of the symposium. The submission deadline for poster abstracts has been extended to February 3 and poster guidelines are available on the symposium website.
A variety of academic institutions, agencies and industry consortiums have been invited to submit abstracts to compete for one of about 30 poster spaces that will be available. Selected posters will include an overview of the intellectual focus of the presenting group, the services provided by the organization, and specific opportunities for partnership and collaboration.