Integrated Electronics Engineering Center (IEEC) opens new diagnostic testing lab
Building on its electronics packing research, the Watson School’s Integrated Electronics Engineering Center (IEEC) took another step into the future last week with the official opening of its Advanced Reliability and Diagnostics Lab.
“We want to show you the future,” said President Lois B. DeFleur at the opening. “Our goal is to continue to bring together scientists and industry and build on our current partnerships.”
With seven institutions or businesses participating as full members and more than 50 participating or associate members, the IEEC annually contributes $30 million to the region’s economic base. The new lab can help add to that base said Senator Thomas Libous, R-Binghamton. “The opportunity is before us to continue to integrate into the community,” he said. “This will help keep our students here, and its economic impact is critical.”
Jim Dillon, deputy executive director of the state Office of Science, Technology and Academic Research noted that there is strong support at the statewide level for research efforts. “The state has resolved to move forward in this area and is looking forward to working with the universities,” he said. “Our goals are to ensure money is spent in a way that research does benefit economic development, and to work to bring more federal money in.”
A number of executives from local industry attended the opening in support of the IEEC. William Berical, vice president of engineering for BAE Systems, explained his company’s interest. “One of the benefits we enjoy is the synergy between this center and what local industry does. It’s a mutually beneficial relationship, whether we’re talking about facilities or students.”
Ian McAvoy, president of Universal Instruments, praised the lab’s focus on reliability. “You already have an excellent reputation internationally — sometimes better than within the state,” he said. “You can become pre-eminent in this area and branch out from there.”