Physicist receives prestigious NSF grant
Jeffrey Mativetsky's nanoscience research may advance solar energy. Read more
Physicist wins prestigious NSF grant
Binghamton physicist Stephen Levy conducts research that may one day lead to sophisticated sensors that are able to detect small amounts of dangerous materials rapidly. Read more
Waste not, want not
Binghamton physicist Bruce White’s research could turn waste heat into a significant source of electricity. Read more
Nanoparticle could identify heart attack risk
A Binghamton researcher hopes to take the guesswork out of assessing atherosclerosis, commonly known as hardening of the arteries. Read more
Undergrad explores nanoparticle safety
Binghamton junior Marissa MacAneney's research focuses on the safety of nanoparticles that may improve rechargeable batteries. Read more
Engineer seizes potential of lab-on-a-chip
With a single inexpensive, disposable lab-on-a-chip, Binghamton researcher David Klotzkin says it may be possible to conduct — in the field — tests that, not so long ago, had to be conducted individually in a laboratory. Read more